Friday 24 June 2011

Online Petition: We call on the European Commission to stop the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD), Directive 2004/24/EC, which is set to remove access to the vast majority of...

Everyone has the right to choose a natural medicine if they prefer, and that also means they should be easy to obtain and reasonably priced. Natural medicine is still used by 85% of the worlds population, staggering isn't it! Which means modern medicines account for a tiny proportion of overall usage worldwide. So you have too say to yourself, if the Pharmaceuticals companies are this powerful and influential now, do you really want them to take a bigger share and say in how you live your life. Because this regulation isn't just about protecting your health and safety, and protecting plants in the wild, which is very important; it's about restrictions, control and money. And the big boys out there want to get their hands on more of that share. As a final thought over a third of people in hospital today in the UK are there as a result of taking Allopathic medicines!

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