Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Indian Wedding

I've recently returned from India, after attending the fabulous wedding of my friend Dr Partap Chauhan's niece Neerja. It was great fun and a real thrill to be be part of such a close family event. There were about four different official celebrations all leading up to the wedding day.I finally got to wear a sari, which was a divine experience. On the Sangeet evening, the whole family performed singing, dancing and even made a short film which was presented to the bride and and other family members and guests  It was an amazing event! The Mendhi evening is where the bride and other lady guests have their arms and hands painted   with henna. It was great fun as the rest of the evening was dedicated to some serious dancing. All the wedding functions take place in the evening, which is just as well because daytime temperatures were in the mid 40's! On the eve of the wedding the school were the wedding was held was transformed  into a magical wedding village, large enough to feed and entertain the 2500 people who were expected to arrive.                                                     The bride and groom arrived separately and were then led to a raised dais. They approach from different sides then stood together. The dais turned, and as it turned rose petals blew out all over them. It was a fairy tale event, they were like Rama and Sita. I was quite overcome with emotion, having never seen anything like that before. For many hours after, the bride and groom receive guests on a large stage. Then much later into the early hours of the morning the religious ceremony takes place. In another area a fire pit is prepared, a  priest chants Sanskrit rituals and the bride  and groom circle the fire seven times. These are sacred steps, each of which prepare the couple for there life together and ensure a strong and lasting marriage. Finally in the early hours the couple leave and the bride says farewell to all her family. This was a poignant and emotional time for everyone. The next day I could reflect back on the whole event. The main thing that stands out for me is the way the whole family comes together to care and support the bride leading up to the wedding. Sometimes she may be feeling happy, then sad, but there is always the love and support to help her through this transition. And not to be forgotten the groom is also welcomed into his new family by the male members of the brides familyMarriage in India is much more of a rite of passage into a new life and a new beginning. I feel really fortunate to have been part of such an occasion.                                                                                                                                                  

The Seven Steps of Marriage

May the first step lead to food that is both Nourishing and pure.
May the second step lead to strength, on the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual level.
May the third step lead to prosperity.
May the forth step lead to all round happiness.
May the fifth step lead to noble and virtuous children.
May the sixth step lead to a long life.
May the seventh step lead to a true companionship forever.


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